Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Pictures of the Work

Fistula by Gina Denton

Fistula detail

Interactive wings (they expand when you pull the cord!) by Kaitlin Murphy

Floating lights by Rachel Schmidt

Fountainhead by Jill Greenberg

Optical thread effect by Jen Kirby

Fibrous mass by Phuong Pham.

Nuggets (detail) by Sarah Matson

Rollerskate parachutes by Liz Ensz and Matt Gemmel

Point trees by Jeanne-Marie Burdette and Ellen Nielsen, blue silk nautilus by Rebecca Habtour

Point forest flanks Within by Alzaruba

Within by Alzaruba

Within Within

Within main entrance

Within side entrance

Liz Zazharia and John ham it up inside Liz's lovely dome headpiece experience globes

Navigational Map

So visitors know who made what within the space! by Emily C-D

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wonderful Opening!

Bag blob by Christina Martinelli, web and spider by Freda Mohr.

Nugget bed by Sarah Matson, flying pterodactyl by Annie Gray, dome globes by Liz Zacharia, horsehair floating fiber by Phuong Pham, radiating thread installation by Jen Kirby.

Plastic jellyfisheque headress by Jill Greenberg, floating red globe lights by Rachel Schmidt, skull ladder by Edward Knapp, fibrous apendage by Gina Denton.

Freda in Melissa Webb's ladder and pully world.

Rebecca by Jeanne-Marie Burdette & Ellen Nielsen's point forest, Liz Ensz & Matt Gemmel's skate parachutes, and Rebecca Habtour's silk nautilus.

Thank you Pacofish for snapping such lovely shots!
Also, check out more photos and the nice review on TenTigers. Thanks Alex!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Installation Continues!

Paul tests out Kaitlin Murphy's anamotronic wing sculpture.

Sarah Matson communes with her nuggets.

Phuong Pham arranges her fibers.

Christina Martinelli puts the finishing touches on her explosion.

Jen Kirby extends her drawing off the wall with miles of thread...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Off the Wall INSTALLation begins

Jill Greenberg hanging her Fountainhead, as seen through the installation by Rachel Schmidt.

Another corner of the space begins to become Alzaruba-fied.

OFF the WALL! Opening APR 17

Art that Grows from the Floor and Drips from the Ceiling
curated by Emily C-D

Opening SATURDAY APRIL 18TH, 7-11pm
with performances that will challenge the verticality of the space!

@ the WHOLE gallery
405 W. Franklin St.
3rd Floor of the H&H Warehouse

thru May 17th, hours by appointment, email shout@emilycd.com

Exhibiting Artists:

Jeanne-Marie Burdette
Gina Denton
Liz Ensz
Matt Gemmell
Annie Gray
Jill Greenberg
Rebecca Habtour
Jen Kirby
Edward Knapp
Christina Martinelli
Sarah Matson
Kaitlin Murphy
Freda Mohr
Ellen Nielsen
Phuong Pham
Rachel Schmidt
Melissa Webb
Liz Zacharia