Saturday, July 18, 2009

A well attended opening!

from the Citypaper Arts section:

Orbiting Artscape

By Bret McCabe | Posted 7/15/2009

...The H&HScape after-Sondheim party Saturday night was hot, humid, enthusiastically attended, and a little overwhelming. Three galleries on two floors of the H&H Building at Eutaw and West Franklin streets opened their doors to a steady throng of people after the BMA award-presentation reception ended. If crowd density is any way to gauge interest, people adored the shows at both Nudashank (co-owned by City Paper contributor Alex Ebstein) and Whole (whose Radix show is co-curated by CP contributor Emily C-D), where convivial crowds made interacting with the work difficult and a bit pointless....

Sunday, July 5, 2009

RADIX installation begins

Jennifer Becker installs her folded paper Quilt

Detail of drawing by Renee Rendine

Dawn Gavin works the pin factory

Helped Me With The Fall by Brent Crothers

H&Hscape at Whole Gallery

1st Annual H&Hscape @ H&H Warehouse
405 W Franklin St, Baltimore
July 11, 2009 : 8:30 – 11:00 pm

3 galleries join forces with the BMA and BOPA to present a 2 floor, 19,000 sq ft visual art event

Gallery Four, Nudashank, & Whole Gallery,

3 galleries founded, forged, and funded by artists living in the H&H Arts building, are working in conjunction with the BMA (Baltimore Museum of Art) and BOPA (Baltimore Office of Promotions and the Arts, the organizers of Artscape) to expose the largely unaware regional community to the pulse of Baltimore’s thriving underground art scene. This first Annual H&Hscape features exhibitions on the 3rd and 4th floors of the H&H warehouse.

@ the Whole

July 11 - August 9
405 W. Franklin St. 3rd floor

A radix is the basis of a system of numeration, and implies the point from which everything else stems. This exhibit will showcase art that builds on itself and celebrates repetition.

Artists: Jennifer Becker, Michael Benevento, Brent Crothers, Gina Denton, Jennie Fleming, Ellen Ann Gallup, Dawn Gavin, Doug Hansen, Ben Piwowar and Renee Rendine

curated by Emily C-D and Jessica Unterhalter of the TwoCan Collective